The Southern Virginia Regional Housing Summit serves as a dynamic platform for six thriving localities to showcase the latest breakthroughs in residential housing development, including Halifax, Henry, Patrick and Pittsylvania County and Danville and Martinsville city. Developers, builders, contractors, home renovators, financial institution representatives, architects, and community advocates are encouraged to attend.
This full-day event will feature presentations on local, state, and federal funding options, a panel showcasing examples of housing projects currently underway, and an exhibit hall. In addition, participating localities will provide information about single- and multi-family development opportunities throughout the Southern Virginia region.
Last year’s event was supported by 31 sponsors, with over 200 community partners in attendance. The event highlighted housing needs, current projects, and successful developments, including:
- Eight townhomes from the Monument Berryman Project have been developed, with a total of 34 townhomes and 60 market-rate apartments planned.
- Located between American Legion Boulevard and East Franklin Turnpike, The View at Franklin will feature over 200 apartments, divided among ten buildings; the first five buildings are in development.
- The T.B. Fitzgerald Apartments, formerly the historic Coin Ops building, was recently renovated into 22 apartments.
Together, we can transform the housing landscape and shape a brighter future for our region.