Governor McAuliffe Announces Danville Community College’s Designation as a Center of Excellence in Cyber Defense
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Governor McAuliffe Announces DCC’s Designation as a Center of Excellence in Cyber Defense
JTI Leaf Services expands at Danville site
JTI Leaf Services (US), known locally as Japan Tobacco, announces new facilities at its Riverview Industrial Park location in Danville. An expansion totaling approximately 110,000 square feet has been completed. This structure is attached to ...
River District Website
The River District Association and Danville Office of Economic Development have launched a website — — that vividly displays images of the district and provides information about what the district has to offer.
500 Block of Craghead
Danville, Va. – Rick Barker Properties, LLC, a Danville-based real estate development company, today released plans for the 500 block of Craghead Street.
BB&T Scott & Stringfellow announces office relocation to Danville’s River District
DANVILLE, VA ----- BB&T Scott & Stringfellow announces the relocation of its Danville office to 554 Craghead Street, Suite 200, in the city’s River District. BB&T Scott & Stringfellow plans to complete the relocation by December 5, 2016.
Governor McAuliffe Announces $90,805 in New Virginia Tourism Growth Funds in Danville (Ballad Brewing)
DANVILLE - Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today that Ballad Brewing of Danville is the newest recipient of the Virginia Tourism Growth Fund (VTGF). The VTGF is a Virginia Tourism Corporation (VTC) program established to grow tourism ...
Danville welcomes new Centra medical facility
Danville city officials joined other area leaders and citizens Sunday afternoon for the grand opening of the Centra Danville Medical Center at 414 Park Ave. The facility, which opened to the public today, offers offering primary care, urgent ...
Kyocera SGS Precision Tool Inc. chooses Danville, VA as Its North American Technology and Strategic Manufacturing Hub